Indigenous people are deeply, joyfully connected to a magical, intelligent universe. The wind, the mountains, water and rocks are alive and speak wisdom if you can quiet the rational mind long enough to listen.
Read MoreEmotional alchemy is the process of releasing stores emotional charge in the body, or turning fear and pain into peace and love
Read MoreHow do I stop being so angry? In this post I tell you about my journey with anger and give you some tips about how to get comfy with your own burning power
Read MoreThis is a permission slip to slow down and honour your body
Read MoreLittle girls are conditioned to believe that our appearance is where our worth lies. But the way we look is absolutely not the most interesting thing about us.
Read MoreOne of the best things you can do for your children is to relax into a parasympathetic nervous system response - ‘rest and digest’ as their nervous system attunes with yours.
Read MoreWe all have our own connection to source. Beware of anyone pointing you in any other direction than your own source of wisdom and guidance.
Read MoreThe Mother Wound was first highlighted by Bethany Webster – it delineates a core pain that many women feel, which has been passed down from mother to daughter over millennia. This wound could be summed up by the general sense that women feel of not being good enough, valued or seen for who they actually are.
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