Samata Russell
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Samata Russell

get present and connect to your soul

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Hello Dear Soul Searcher

Welcome to what could be the next phase of your self discovery. You’re an old soul on a spiritual/wellbeing journey wanting to better understand yourself and life at a deeper level among a tribe of like minds.

I believe we are living at a time of great change, when many of us are being called to question and release harmful past conditioning and step into a truer, more powerful version of ourselves. This involves reclaiming the earth and our bodies as sacred and taking the incredible journey from our heads to our hearts.

I have three things to offer on your journey:

1. Lunar Circles. These are groups sessions that meet every new and full moon. Together we consider the zodiac signs associated with each moon, planting seeds of intention every New Moon and letting go and releasing on the Full Moon. We meditate, journal and sit in ceremony as we honour the cycles of life through the moon’s powerful pull on our lives.

2. Work with me 1-1. I offer a range of modalities including mindfulness, coaching, EFT, matrix reimprinting and Spiral. An initial consultation is followed by either a package of 4x sessions or a 10 session Spiral journey.

3. Mindfulness Groups. This practice teaches you how to really listen to yourself, your body, your emotions and your soul, with compassion and without judgement. Doing this in a group, finding words for your experience, is profoundly healing,

Working with Sam has been life changing. I’ve never known anything like it – I find it amazing how you get so quickly and easily to the place that really needs to be looked at or worked through. I feel much more able to speak and say what I feel or need. I’m not as scared or worried about saying the wrong thing, I’ve moved beyond it. Otherwise I will do more harm. It’s more healing to speak than to stay quiet.
— Dawn Pooley

Work with Me

I am a Mindfulness facilitator, coach, EFT , matrix reimprinting and Spiral Practitioner and more than a little bit of a witch. I believe that true healing will ultimately change

your relationship not just with yourself and those around you, but with the Universe and the Earth beneath your feet.

I seek to help people return home to themselves, and in so doing, create ripples towards a more harmonious world.
