Overview of the Course
Week 1
The way our minds work, how we so often live on automatic pilot following the path laid out before us. Doing the same habitual actions and treading the same thought patterns. We explore how it feels to open to new ways of feeling, thinking, being.
Week 2
Our perceptions and how our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and attitudes are learned and within our power to change. This is the beginning of freedom.
Week 3
We explore how joyful being present in our bodies can be through an extended movement practice.
Week 4
We start to look at some of the more difficult aspects of our lives and how so often we numb, deny, push away our feelings and how this can wreak havoc as we are not being truthful either with ourselves or with those around us.
Week 5
We start to develop the clarity and strength to 'be' with difficulty. This is the beginning of self mastery.
Week 6
We look at relationships and how to communicate the truth of who we are to our nearest and dearest - saying no when we mean no and yes when we mean yes. We learn how to look at our family and friends without judgement. When we are able to do this, vast amounts of energy, empathy and intimacy are created.
Week 7
The importance of listening to yourself - the foundation of self care. We look at our habits, what we take into our minds through behaviours, media, exercise and whether they are helping or hindering us.
Week 8
Review of the learning of the course and how to stay mindful going forwards.
Next Course Dates
8x Tuesdays 18.30-20.30 (October 8 - Dec 3, missing out half term 29 Oct)
at Cobo Community Centre, Guernsey. Cost £250 early bird, before 1 Sep, £295 after).
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