Samata Russell
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Birth Trauma Clearing


Did you have a difficult birth experience?

Birth can be really traumatic, particularly if we felt out of control, or like we didn’t have a say in what happened. The emotional fall-out from this can impact our early experience of motherhood, leaving us with difficult flash-backs or a nauseating sense of anxiety.

Matrix reimprinting is a powerful and gentle process that helps to release the stored emotional trauma that is in your body. We use a mixture of EFT – tapping on acupressure points – and hypnosis to move the emotional charge through. We also work to allow your birthing self to experience the empowerment that she deserved.


Birthing Matrix Package

The birthing package is £195 and includes two sessions:

Initial consultation, plus EFT and matrix session: 1 ½ hours.
Follow up and final release: 1 hour

Get in Touch

Following the sessions you can expect to feel much more peaceful and empowered when recalling your birth and free of anxiety related to it
